Special Session:
What should a contemporary, trustworthy land administration system in India look like?
Organiser: RMIT University, Australia, JNU, New Delhi, NR Management Consultants-Centre for Land Governance(NRMC-CLG)
Date: 5th March 2020 Time: 10:00- 16:00 Hrs
What should a contemporary, trustworthy What should a contemporary, trustworthy land administration system in India look like? This is the central question this session seeks to discuss. India has inherited a land administration system from previous colonial and pre-colonial governments, with differences around the country evolving from socio-cultural practices as well as respective policies and practices implemented by state governments in post-independent India. Today, India is rapidly urbanising and industrialising, with informal settlements becoming a prolific urban form; yet two-thirds of the country is still agricultural, and rural and peri-urban land is increasingly fragmented. People’s experience of land administration is often at the village level, but urban and rural land administration practices are often administered by different institutions and at different levels. Additionally, various responsibilities for land administration are prescribed under State, Union, and Concurrent Lists. Sustainable development demands reconfiguring land resources and greater coordination especially since the integrity of land administration in India is often cast in doubt. Land acquisition, land pooling and land compensation practices are known to experience serious issues. This is compounded by a longstanding legacy of chronically erroneous, missing or fraudulent land tenure information, which subverts the effective implementation of land policy reforms and dispute resolution frameworks. Despite significant initiatives like the national Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme, trustworthy land administration seems an intractable problem. How can India transition beyond these legacy practices and systems that have been shown to be limiting and limited in accommodating and administering a diverse array of property rights and in dealing with rapid economic transformation? How can India move towards institutionalising a contemporary land administration system that is trustworthy, inclusive, just, innovative and future-ready? This session calls for practice-oriented, multidisciplinary research/enquiry that explores the themes of transition, inclusion, integrity/trustworthiness and innovation in Indian land administration. We invite papers/presentations from practitioners, policy makers and researchers that ideally aim to address one or more of the following themes:
land administration system in India look like?
Session Coordinators
Serene Ho
RMIT University, AustraliaNivedita Haran
JNU, New DelhiPranab Choudhury
NRMC Centre for Land Governance, Bhubaneswar
Please note:
Papers presented in this session may be invited for publication in a Special issue in a Peer-reviewed Land Journal
(Journal to be confirmed at the conference).
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Submit abstracts with title followed Special Session on land administration innovation (ex- titlexyz_Special Session on land administration innovation) online at link or through e-mail at indialandconf@gmail.com
Post Conf Event:
Convening with Corporates :
Corporate Meet for Responsible Land Investments & Managing Land Tenure Risks
Organiser: NR Management Consultants-Centre for Land Governance(NRMC-CLG), Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad(IIMA), Azim Premji University(APU)
Date: 5th March 2020 Time: 10:00- 16:00 Hrs
This is a call to leaders and executives from the corporate world, across public and private sectors engaged around land-based projects and investments. This one-day workshop on the side line of 4th India Land and Development Conference (ILDC), is exclusively organized for companies with land tenure risks. It aims at deliberating on potential disruptive and inclusive strategies to sustain land-based investments.
Pre Conf Event:
Geospatial Round Table on Land Tenure:
Scoping Space for Geospatial Ecosystem in Land Administrations
Organiser: NR Management Consultants-Centre for Land Governance(NRMC-CLG), Foundation for Ecological Security, Cadasta Foundation & Geospatial Media and Communications
Date: 1st March 2020 Time: 10:00- 13:30 Hrs
This is a call to leaders and executives from the GeoSpatial world to join and discuss business opportunities around land tenure mapping in India and why it is important to build a symbiotic partnership ecosystem. This half-day round-table on the side line of 4th India Land and Development Conference (ILDC), is exclusively organized for geo-spatial agencies willing to explore land tenure mapping opportunities around India’s diverse land administration landscape. This event seeks to build a sustainable business case around inclusive land tenure mapping by rationalizing the scope of partnership ecosystems of geo-spatial players and land tenure actors.