Publications of Dr. Haque


  1. T. Haque, Agrarian Distress in India: Causes and Remedies, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2016
  2. T. Haque, Empowerment of Rural Women in Developing Countries: Challenges and Pathways (ed.), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2014
  3. T. Haque, Mondira Bhattacharya & Ankita Goyal, The Socio Economic Impact Assessment of Bt Cotton in India, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2014.
  4. T. Haque, Land Policies for Inclusive Growth, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2012
  5. T. Haque, Sustainability of Small Holder Agriculture, Concept Publishing Co, New Delhi, 1996.
  6. T. Haque and A.S. Sirohi (1986) ‘Agrarian Reforms and Institutional Changes in India,’ Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1986.
  7. T. Haque, Small Farm Diversification: Problem and Prospects, NCAP, New Delhi 1996 (edited).
  8. Ramesh Chand and T. Haque (1996) vision on India's Rice Trade NCAP, IRRI, 1997.
  9. S.N. Singh, K. Vijayaraghavan and T. Haque (1991) ‘Transfer of Technology to Small Farmers’, Concept Publishing Co., New Delhi, 1991.
  10. Tarlok Singh, T. Haque and A.V.S. Reddy (1992) ‘Impact of Land Reforms on Agriculture and Rural Development’, NIRD, 1992 (Edited).


  1. Planning for Integrated Use of Village Commons, sponsored by Foundation for Ecological Security, 2018
  2. Customary Land Tenure System in North-East India, sponsored by RRI, Washington DC, 2018
  3. Access to Institutional Credit by Farmers in Eastern India, Sponsored by NABARD, 2017
  4. SAARC Regional Poverty Profile – 2009-10, SAARC Secretariat, Kathmandu.
  5. Role of the National Food Security Mission in Improving Agricultural Productivity, sponsored by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India, 2012-13.
  6. Constraints and Potentials of Agricultural Diversification in Eastern India – sponsored by the Planning Commission, Govt. of India, 2010-11.
  7. Socio-economic Impact Assessment of Bt. Cotton in India – in collaboration with Bharat Krishak Samaj, New Delhi, 2011-12.
  8. Evaluation of the Socio-economic Impact of MGNREGS in various states of India sponsored by UNDP-MoRD, Govt. of India, 2009-10
  9. Organizing and Empowering Rural Informal Economy Workers, ILO-ACTRAV, September 2007.
  10. Potential and Economic Viability of Agro-Polis City Project in Syria, Government of Syria and AARDO, 2007.
  11. Land Tenure Security and Rural Development in Afro-Asian Countries, Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization, 2006.
  12. Impact of contract farming in India, Country Report prepared for FAO, Rome, 2000.
  13. Impact of Tenancy Reform on Agricultural Productivity and Poverty Reduction in India, NCAP, New Delhi,; 2001
  14. Role of Infrastructure in Agricultural Development, IFPRI –NCAP- World Bank, 1998.
  15. India Rural Development Report, NIRD, Hyderabad; 1999. (Mimeo)
  16. Tenurial Reforms and Sustainable Agricultural Development in Vietnam, FAO, Rome, 1994. (TCP Report)
  17. Impact of Technological changes on Agricultural and Rural Workers in South Asia, ILO, Geneva, 1995.
  18. Impact of Economic Liberalisation on Agricultural workers, ILO-SAAT, New Delhi, 1997.
  19. Twenty Five years Perspective plan for the Development of Rainfed Areas, Planning Commission, New Delhi, 1997.
  20. Economics of Agriculture in Backward Regions with Reference to viability and Sustainability of Small and Marginal Farms, NIRD, Hyderabad, (Mimeo.).
  21. Monitoring and Evaluation of Agrarian Reforms and Rural Development in India, (prepared for CIRDAP/FAO), NIRD, Hyderabad (Mimeo.), 1994.
  22. A Socio Economic Study of Land Tenure System in North Eastern Regions, NIRD, Hyderabad (Mimeo.); 1993.
  23. A Comparative Analysis of Land Reform Legislation in Various States, (four volumes), NIRD, Hyderabad (Mimeo.); 1993.
  24. Constraints to High Yields of Rice in Eastern India, IARI, New Delhi (Mimeo.); 1990.
  25. Productivity, Income and Employment under Varying Tenurial Systems and Farm Size A Case Study of West Bengal, IARI, New Delhi (Mimeo.); 1982.
  26. Problem of Resource Allocation in Indian Agriculture in the Context of Inter Regional Imbalances, Centre for Agriculture and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, U.S.A; 1982.
  27. Cost Return and Price Structures of Sugarcane and its Products in Western Uttar Pradesh, IARI, New Delhi (Mimeo.); 1981.


  1. Haque, T (2019), Securing Forest Rights of Tribals, Business Line, March 6, 2019
  2. Haque, T. and P K Joshi, Agricultural Transformation in Aspirational Districts of India, Economic & Political Weekly, December 29, 2018.
  3. Haque T. and P.K. joshi Price Deficiency Payments and Minimum Support Prices: A Study of Selected Crops in India, Economic & Political Weekly, MAY 19, 2018 vol lIiI no 20
  4. Haque T. Agrarian Distress in India Causes and Remedies in Agrarian Distress in India Causes and Remedies (ed.) Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2016
  5. Haque T. Sustainability of Small Family Farms in Asia-Pacific Countries: Challenges and Opportunities in Future of Family Farming in Developing Countries. Chennai: M.S.Swaminathan Foundation, 2015
  6. Haque T. Lease Farming as a Livelihood Option for Rural Landless Women: A Case Study of Kerala in Empowerment of Rural Women in Developing Countries: Challenges and Pathways (ed.), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2014
  7. Haque T. Empowering Rural Women in Developing Countries: Challenges and Pathways in
    Empowerment of Rural Women in Developing Countries: Challenges and Pathways (ed.), Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2014
  8. Haque T. Food Security Concerns of Small Family Farms in Asia Pacific Countries, in Deep Roots published jointly by FAO, Rome and Tudor Rose, U.K., 2014
  9. Haque T & Jaya Lekshmi Nair (2014). Ensuring and Protecting Land Leasing Rights of Poor Women in India, the proceedings of the International Conference on Land and Poverty organized by the World Bank at Washington D.C, March 24-28, 2014.
  10. Haque T. (2014) Key note paper on Challenges of Food Security in Asia Pacific Countries, presented at the International Workshop on Food and Nutritional Security Assurance through Efficient Resource and Technology Management, organized jointly by NIRD and CIRDAP at NIRD, Hyderabad May 19-20, 2014
  11. Haque T. (2013), Agricultural Land Leasing in India: Policy, Practice and Impact, Yojana, November, 2013.
  12. Haque T. Challenges of Agriculture in India in abook titled India’s National Security published by Routledge India, 2013(Edited by Prof. Satish Kumar)
  13. Impact of Globalization on Rural development in Afro Asian Countries, Journal of Rural Development, AARDO, July, 2012.
  14. Haque T. Challenges of Food Security in India Social Development Report 2012, CSD-OXFORD University Press.
  15. Impact of MGNREGA on Social Inclusion, Social Change, New Delhi, Vol 41 III, September 2011.
  16. Haque T. (2008), ‘Improving Land Access for India’s Rural Poor, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XLIII No 10, Mumbai, India, March 2008.
  17. Haque T (2007), Agricultural Insurance in Developing Countries, Afro-Asian Journal of Rural Development, New Delhi, Key Note Paper, January-June 2007.
  18. Haque T (2005), Resource Use Efficiency in Indian Agriculture, Indian Journal of Agril. Economics, Key note Paper, Conference Number.
  19. Haque, T (2005) Accelerating Agricultural Growth – G. Parthasarathy Memorial Lecture at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar (U.P.), ISAM, November 7, 2005.
  20. Haque T. (2004), ‘Land Reforms and Agricultural Growth’, Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai, India, February.
  21. Haque, T (2002) ‘Land Reforms and Agricultural Development: Retrospect and Prospect in a book’ Institutional change in Indian Agriculture, NCAP, New Delhi.
  22. Haque, T.(2002), ‘Role of Support Price and Market intervention in Attaining Self-reliance in vegetable oils - lead paper prepared, for the annual conference of the Indian Society of Oilseeds Research ICAR to be held at Hyderabad in January 2003.
  23. Haque, T (2000) Contractual Arrangements in Land and Labour Markets in Rural India,
    Indian Journal of Agril. Economics, Vol- 55, No. 3, July-Sept, Mumbai, PP 234-252.
  24. Fam, S. Peter Hazell and T. Haque (2000) Targeting Public Investments to achieve growth and Poverty Alleviation goals in rural India, Food Policy, Washington, D.C. USA, (25), 2000. Pp.411-425,
  25. Haque, T, Hashim, S.R and Fan,S (1998) Spatial Pattern of Agricultural Development and their Investment Priorities in India, Asia-Pacific Journal of Rural Development, Vol.VIII, No.1, CIRDAP, Dhaka.
  26. Haque, T (1998) `Regional Trends, Patterns and Determinants of Agricultural Wages in India, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, Oct-Dec, 1998, New Delhi.
  27. Haque, T (1998) `Land Tenure System and Agricultural Development in Proceedings of the Asian Seminar organised by Asian Productivity Organisation, Tokyo.
  28. Haque, T (1997) Agrarian Reforms and Food Security for the Rural poor in the wake of economic liberalisation, Journal of Rural Reconstruction, Afro-Asian Rural Reconstruction Organisation, New Delhi. Vol.XXX, No.2, July-Dec,1997.
  29. Haque, T and D. Jha (1997) `Agricultural Growth, Employment and Poverty, G.K. Chadha (ed), Vikash publishing Co, New Delhi.
  30. Haque, T (1997) Strategies for Alleviation of Rural Poverty in India in Fifty years of Rural Development, NIRD, Hyderabad.
  31. Haque, T and Ramesh Chand (1997) 'Sustainability of Rice-Wheat Crop System in Indo-Gangetic Region', Economic and Political Weekly, Mumbai, India Vol.XXXII. No. 13, March 29,1997.
  32. Sharma, V.K. and T.Haque (1997) `Perspective of Technological change in Indian Agriculture, Agricultural Situation in India, December, 1996.
  33. P.S. Birthal and T.Haque (1997) Behaviour of Informal Rural credit Markets in Indian Political Economy Journal of India, Vo.6, No.1, pp21-39.
  34. Haque, T (1996) `Issues Concerning Employment of Women in South Asia' in proceedings of an International Seminar, held at IIC, New Delhi, Sept 16 to 18, 1996.
  35. Haque, T and L.Montessi (1996) `Tenurial Reforms and Sustainable Agricultural Development, Journal of Land Reforms, Co-operatives and settlements, FAO, Rome.
  36. Haque, T (1996) `Land Reforms and Rural Development in Bihar, Bihar Journal of Agril. Marketing, Vol. IV, No.2, April-June, 1996.
  37. Export Potential of Agricultural commodities in Bihar, Bihar Journal of Agril. Marketing, Patna, in a book under publication.
  38. Haque, T. (1995)) Land Reform and Rural Development in the wake of Economic Liberalisation, Kurukshetra, New Delhi, Oct, 1995.
  39. Haque, T (1995) `Diversification of Small Farms in India in proceedings of the National Workshop on Small Farm Diversification NCAP, New Delhi, 1996.
  40. Maji, C. C. and T. Haque `Sources of Productivity Growth in Agriculture, Economic and Political Weekly, November, 1995.
  41. Haque, T (1994) Impact of Development Schemes on Rural Women in Proceedings of the ILO NIRD Collaborative Workshop, NIRD, Oct., 1994.
  42. Haque, T. R.R. Prasad, O.N. Srivastva and S.K. Singh (1992) `Development of Diara Areas A case Study of Sitab Diara in Bihar' Journal of Rural Development, Vol. 12, Jan. 1993.
  43. T. Haque (1992) Land Reform and Rural Development in Impact of Land Reforms on Agriculture and Rural Development, NIRD, Hyderabad, pp.13 18, 1992.
  44. T. Haque and G. Parthasarathy (1992) `Land Reform and Rural Development', Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXVII, No.8, February, 1992.
  45. Haque (1992) `Organising the Rural Poor for Land Reform' in Proceedings of the National Seminar held at NIRD, Hyderabad, March, 1991.
  46. S.K. Goel and T. Haque (1990) `Regional Variations with Respect to Infrastructure and Crop Production', Journal of Rural Development, Hyderabad, May 1990, pp.485 498.
  47. Haque, T (1988) Strategy for Full Employment in Rural India, IASSI, Quarterly, Vol.9, Nos.142, pp.13 19.
  48. T. Haque (1990) `Role of Land Reform in Improving the Socio Economic Condition of Landless Labourers in Proceedings of the National Seminar on Agricultural Labour, Organised by NCRL, Govt. of India, New Delhi, March 8 9, 1990, pp.330 337.
  49. T. Haque `Viability and Sustainability of Small and Marginal Farms in India', Journal of Development Studies, Sussex, U.K. 1990.
  50. T. Haque (1989) `Ceilings on Landholdings' in Land Reforms in India Retrospect and Prospect, Planning Commission, Govt. of India, New Delhi.
  51.  T. Haque (1988) `The World Economic Crisis: Some Policy Options', Indian Economic Journal, Conference number, Calcutta, December, 1988.
  52. T. Haque and S. Verma (1988) `Regional and Class Disparities in the Flow of Institutional Agricultural Credit in India', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, July September, 1988.
  53. T. Haque (1988) `Role of Technological Change in Improving the Economic Condition of Marginal Farmers and Landless Labourers', in Proceedings of the National Seminar Organised by IASSI, New Delhi, November 1 3, 1988.
  54. Charan D. Wadhwa and T. Haque (1988) `Action Plan on Foodgrains Production: Lopsided Strategic Framework', Financial Express, New Delhi, June 8, 1988.
  55. S. Verma and T. Haque (1988) ` Towards an Appropriate Farm Strategy', Financial Express, May, 1988.
  56. J. Gudowsky, T. Haque and D. Srivastava (1988), `Distributional Effects of Economic Growth: Regional Cross Section for Rural India', Miscellanea Geographica, Warszawa, Poland, 1988, pp.343 347.
  57. T. Haque (1988) `Land Rights and Agricultural Development' A Case Study of Eastern India, Paper presented at the Annual Conference of International Association of Agricultural Economists, held at Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 1988.
  58. T. Haque and S. Arya (1988) `Structural and Organisational Constraints to Ground Water Management, paper presented at the National Workshop on Ground Water Management, IRMA, Anand, January 29 31, 1989.
  59. V.K. Sharma and T. Haque, 'Impact of Fertilizer Subsidy on Agricultural Growth and Equity', IASRI, New Delhi, 1987.
  60. T. Haque (1987) `Temporal and Regional Variations in Agrarian Structure in India', Indian Journal of Agriculture Economics, July September, 1987.
  61. T. Haque (1987) `Technological Change and Socio Economic Transformation in Rural Punjab' in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Science, Technology and Development, March 20 25, 1987, New Delhi.
  62. D. Srivastava and T. Haque (1987) `Technological Change and Regional Disparities in Agricultural Growth in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Science, Technology and Development, March 20 25, 1987, New Delhi.
  63. T. Haque (1987) `Socio Economic Constraints in Rice Production in Eastern India', Paper presented at the National Workshop at Faizabad, Organised by Directorate of Rice Research, Patna, April 25 28, 1987.
  64. T. Haque (1986) `Towards An Appropriate Land Reforms Policy', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Oct. Dec., 1986.
  65. T. Haque (1986) `Towards A Just and Efficient Agricultural Marketing System in India, Paper presented at the National Workshop held at IDS, Mysore, March 25 27, 1987.
  66. T. Haque (1986) `Constraints and Impact of Minor Irrigation Schemes in Afro Asian Regions', Paper presented at the International Workshop Organised by the Afro Asian Rural Reconstruction Organisation at Port Blair, Mauritius, August, 1986.
  67. D. Srivastava and T. Haque (1966) `Technology, Agricultural Growth and Regional Imbalances', Economic Times, Special Number, February 5, 1986.
  68. T. Haque (1985) `Regional Trends and Patterns of Diversification of the Rural Economy in India', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, XXXX, No.4.
  69. T. Haque (1985) `Intersectoral Linkages and Economic Growth in India', Indian Economic Journal Conference Number, 1985.
  70. T. Haque (1985) `Regional Disparities in Economic Growth: Some Issues and Trends', Mainstream, November, 1985, pp.16 18.
  71. T. Haque (1985) `Factors Accounting for Low Yields of Rice in West Bengal', Agricultural Situation in India, December, 1985.
  72.  D. Srivastava, T. Haque and H.S. Vijaya Kumar (1985) `Agricultural Development in India in 2000 A.D. and its Credit Needs', in proceedings of the Seminar on Linking of Agricultural Research System with Commercial Banks, National Institute of Bank Management, Poone, July 12, 1985
  73. M.S. Bhatia, V.K. Sharma and T. Haque (1984) `Changes in Factor Relations and Productivity in Indian Agriculture', Agricultural Situation in India, January 1984, pp.629 633.
  74.  T. Haque and Sirohi (1983) Agrarian Reform and Institutional Change in Agriculture Paper presented at the Conference of the Committee for studies on South Asian Regional Co operation, held at IIC, New Delhi, July 1983.
  75.  T. Haque, V.K. Sharma and M.S. Bhatia (1983) `Temporal and Spatial Variations in Factor share in Indian Agriculture', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol.XXXVIII, July Sept., 1983, pp.391 399.
  76. T. Haque (1981) ` Analysing the Recent Agrarian Changes in Bihar, in Essays in Honour of Dr. Gyanchand, Peoples Publishing House, New Delhi.
  77. T. Haque (1981) 'Some Aspects of Agrarian Reform in West Bengal Paper presented at the Comprehensive Area Development Corporation Calcutta, West Bengal, April 6, 1981.
  78. T. Haque (1981) `Inter Regional Variations in Credit and Economic Development in India', Eastern Economist, June 16, 1981.
    79. A.K. Ray, B.R. Attori and T. Haque `Variations in Rice Yield' Economic Times, January 21, 1981, p.iv, (Special Survey).
  79.  T. Haque (1980) An Economic Analysis of the Socialist and Non socialist view points on the New International Economic Order` Indian Economic Journal IEA Conference No. December 1980, Part III, pp.149 259.
  80.  P.K. Joshi, and T. Haque (1980) ` An Economic Inquiry into the Long Term Prospects of Balanced Agricultural Growth in India', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Oct. Dec., 1980, Vol. XXXV, No.4, pp.1 8.
  81. T. Haque and C.C. Maji and P.K. Joshi (1980) `Some Economic Aspects of Livestock Enterprises in India', Annals of Agriculture, New Delhi, Vol.I, 1988, pp.112 122.
  82.  B.R. Ateri, A.K. Ray, A.S. Sirohi and T. Haque (1980) `Development Potentials of Farmers in Hilly Region (Simla) H.P.', Paper presented at the seminar held at Nainital, April 21 24, 1980 under the auspices of Giri Institute of Development Studies, Lucknow.
  83. T. Haque (1979) `An Intertemporal and Inter Regional Analysis of the Economics of Human Capital in India', Indian Economic Journal, Conference Number, Surat, Dece., 1979, pp.62 73.
  84.  T. Haque and C.C. Maji (1979) `A Comparative Study of Economic Development in China and India in the Past Two Decades', Indian Economic Journal, Conference number, Surat, Dec. 1979, pp.39 52.
  85. C.C. Maji and T. Haque (1979) `Efficiency of Agricultural Extension in Technology Transfer and Income Generation, Before and After the Green Revolution in India', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Oct. Dec., 1979), Vol. XXXIV, No.4, pp.1 11.
  86. A.K. Ray, B.R. Atteri and T. Haque (1979) `Cropping Patterns, Income and Employment under Varying Tenurial Systems A Case Study in West Bengal' (Mimeo.).
  87. T. Haque and C.C. Maji (1979) `Structure and Flows of Agricultural Cooperative Credit in India', Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Oct. Dec., 1978, Vol. XXXIII, No.4, pp.72 78.
  88. T. Haque (1971) ` Political and Economic Development in the Seventies in India', Competition Review, Vol.VII, No.11, May 1971, pp.61 62.