CLG Project Reports

Project Reports


World Bank Study on Land Policy Reform for Agricultural Transformation in India

Given that several states, in India have recently initiated tenancy reforms and/or registered tenant farmers for agricultural benefits, there is an opportunity to distil these lessons and share them with states that are still lagging in this aspect. The World Bank Group’s The Agriculture and Food Global Practice has initiated a study on Land Policy Reform for Agricultural Transformation in India which is being conducted by the NRMC Centre for Land Governance.

The study looks at how land policy reforms and interventions, particularly around tenancy and land records, influence access to agricultural benefits and support rural economic growth, more specifically  how agricultural transformation process can ensure inclusion of tenants, women farmers and dalits.

The study delivers following outputs:

National Background Paper and initial findings
State Reports
Case Studies


It may be noted that both these documents in no way present the opinion and neither the endorsement of the World Bank and the NRMC Centre for Land Governance at this stage.


Published by: Center For Land Governance
Contributors: Daksh, ISB, NCAER, NRMC, PR Index
Pages: 87


State of Land Report, India is a joint attempt by several institutions to bring together a status of land governance in India using various key land indicators. The objective is to create an easily interpretable repository of land information by pooling together existing data and present them together at one source as a ready reference material to contribute towards improved policy and actions, induce competitions and accountability and enhanced transparency. This is a response to address the opacity of information (viz. generation, availability and access) around land and also to present updated status of land governance indicators together for a better and holistic appreciation of status of land.

This version of SLR is a work-in-progress/draft version with some datasets not adequately presented the way it was envisaged and some other remaining uncovered, primarily due to resource constraints. We hope in the subsequent attempts, more such datasets would be included and presented with better analysis, improved visual enhancement and formats.
Effective land maping

Effective Mapping Protocol for Forest Rights Mapping in India
Published by: Center For Land Governance
Contributors: Cadasta Foundation, FES, NRMC
Pages: 4


Right Mapping Protocol for Forest Rights Mapping in India presents an insights from a Collaborative Field Pilot in Chhatisgarh and Odisha. While the advances of geospatial technology, tools and platforms simultaneously expand opportunities, the complexities of India’s plural land tenure systems and evolving legal, social, cultural and ecological concerns, demands local adaptations and strategic localization.  Growing recognitions of ethics, data privacy, free and prior informed consent as well as human rights issues associated with land tenure digitization and mapping, more so in forest rights context, implicate their strategic embedding to address inevitable sustainability, participation and inclusion. Adequate due diligence in surveying and mapping of forest rights is there critical; particularly understanding and analysis of role of technology – both as tools and in processes, merit close attention