India Land and Development Conference (ILDC) a collaborative initiative has become an unique annual inclusive Land Convergence Platform in India, to promote inter-sectoral, inter-disciplinary and multi-level conversations on land and development. It integrates various stakeholders working around land across different geographies and across scales to pick up diverse issues to interact at an open and inclusive platform. In 2020, ILDC is being organised fourth time in a row during 2-4 March at India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi.
ILDC 2020 pleased to announce volunteering opportunities during the event from the graduate and post graduate students from the field of social science, management, law, journalism etc. to participate in the event and assist the organiser in the areas of rapporteuring, documentation, photography, videography, blogging, vlogging, handling social media, managing delegate registration, organising technical sessions etc. This would provide a rewarding experience to the young leaders to work at a larger platform and learn from a real life, multi cultural environment.
To know more and apply for please follow: ILDC Volunteer